pr_lost is always included in the returned data, but other columns can be specified using cols argument.

curves(x, cols = NULL, groups = FALSE, lost.lower = 0, lost.upper = 1)

# S4 method for ZCurvesDataFrame
curves(x, cols = NULL)

# S4 method for ZGroupCurvesDataFrame
curves(x, cols = NULL)

# S4 method for Zresults
curves(x, cols = NULL, groups = FALSE, lost.lower = 0, lost.upper = 1)

# S4 method for Zvariant
curves(x, cols = NULL, groups = FALSE, lost.lower = 0, lost.upper = 1)



Z* object.


numeric or character vector of columns to be returned


logical indicating whether group curves data should be returned.


numeric defining the lower limit of pr_lost to be included [0.0, 0.99] (default: 0.0)


numeric defining the upper limit of pr_lost to be included [0.01, 1.0] (default: 1.0)


ZCurvesDataFrame or ZGroupCurvesDataFrame containing the (selected) curves file data. If column names are provided, but none are found, return NA.


Arguments upper and lower can be used to define a specific range of pr_lost to be returned.

Method implementation in class Zvariant is just a thin wrapper for passing the argumets to variant's codeZresults object.

See also